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P Affandi
Full Text Available Terdapat banyak permasalahan yang melibatkan teori sistem dan teori kontrol serta aplikasinya. Contohnya, beberapa referensi teori yang mengaplikasikan teori kontrol ke dalam masalah inventori. Masalah klasik dalam masalah inventori adalah bagaimana mengatur perubahan permintaan konsumen pada sebuah produk barang jadi. Selain mengalami penurunan yang disebabkan kerusakan dan kemerosotan, ternyata inventori juga bisa mengalami peningkatan. Biasanya, inventori yang mengalami peningkatan terjadi pada inventori yang melakukan proses produksi yang berlangsung secara terus menerus; Sedangkan permintaan sedikit juga terjadi pada inventori makhluk hidup yang mengalami perkembangbiakan. Selanjutnya, hal ini mengakibatkan terjadinya peningkatan jumlah inventori. Dapat disimpulkan bahwa secara teori, sistem Inventori dapat mengalami peningkatan dan penurunan. Masalah ini dapat dimodelkan dan diselesaikan dengan menggunakan teknik kontrol optimal, sehingga akan diperoleh nilai optimal tingkat inventori dan rata-rata produksi optimal.There are many problems involving the theory of systems, control theory and its application. For example, some reference theories apply control theory to the inventory problems. The classical problem in the inventory problem was how to manage changes in consumer demand in a finished product. Besides it declines caused by damage and deterioration, evidently inventory can also increase. Typically, inventories that increased were inventories have production process continues over time; While little demand also occurred in inventories of living beings who have breeding. evidently, this led to an increasing in the amount of inventory. It can be concluded that, in theory, inventory system can be increased and decreased. This problem can be modeled and solved using optimal control techniques, so it will be obtained an optimum value of inventory levels and the average optimal production.
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Ahmad Yani
• Perlu pengecekan dan perbaikan berkala sehingga setiap kerusakan yang terjadi dapat diketahui secara dini. Kata Kunci: kehilangan uap (steam loss, penurunan temperatur, dan jaringan distribusi.
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Abdi Sukmono
Full Text Available Klorofil merupakan pigmen yang paling penting dalam proses fotosintesis. Tanaman sehat yang mampu tumbuh maksimum umumnya memiliki jumlah klorofil yang lebih besar daripada tanaman yang tidak sehat. Dalam Estimasi kandungan klorofil tanaman padi dengan airborne hyperspectral dibutuhkan algoritma khusus untuk mendaaptkan akurasi yang baik. Objek dari penelitian ini mengembangkan reflektan in situ menjadi model algoritma estimasi kandungan klorofil tanaman padi untuk airborne hyperspectral. Dalam penelitian ini beberapa indeks vegetasi seperti normalized difference vegetation index (NDVI, modified simple ratio (MSR , modified/transformed chlorophyll absorption ratio index (MCARI, TCARI dan bentuk integrasi (MCARI/OSAVI and TCARI/OSAVI digunakan untuk membentuk model estimasi dengan metode regresi linear. Selain itu juga digunakan Blue/Green/Yellow/Red Edge Absorption Clhorophyll Index. Dari proses regresi di dapatkan tiga ground model yang mempunyai korelasi kuat (R2≥0.5 terhadap klorofil tanaman padi. Ketiga model tersebut yaitu MSR (705,750 dengan R2 sebesar 0.51, TCARI/OSAVI (705, 750 dengan R2 sebesar 0.52 dan REACL 2 dengan R2 sebesar 0.57. Dari ketiga tersebut dipilih groun model terbaik REACL 2 untuk di upscalling ke model algoritma airborne hyperspectral. Pembentukan algoritma dengan data airborne hyperspectral sensor Hymap dan REACL 2 menghasilkan model algoritma ( Klorofil (SPAD unit = 3.031((B22-B18/(B18-B13 + 31.596 dengan R2 sebesar 0.78
Procedure for preparation of 3-fluor-D-alanine, 2-deutero-3-fluor-D-alanine and 2,3,3-trideutero-3-fluor-D-alanine and their salts
International Nuclear Information System (INIS)
Kollonitsch, J.; Kahan, F.M.
Procedures for the preparation of 3-fluor-D-alanine, 2-deutero-3-fluor-D-alanine and 2,3,3-trideutero-3-fluor-D-alanine, and salts of these compounds, are described. These new compounds are useful antibacterial substances not only applicable in the disinfection of pharmaceutical, dental and medical equipment, but also in the treatment of diseases caused by bacteria, and may be administered orally. While 3-fluor-L-alanine metabolises rapidly with toxic results, 3-fluor-D-alanine is much more slowly broken down in vivo and is not harmful in normal doses. Further it has been found that deuteration gives new deutero-analogues which are less subject to metabolic breaking down and still retain the antibacterial strength of the original compound. The in vivo activity is thereby increased and maintained. (JIW)
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Rita Khatir
Full Text Available Sweet corn has short shelf life at room temperature storage in the tropical countries (28-33°C. The quality deterioration of sweet corn can be determined by the decrease of its sugar content. The study aimed to estimate the shelf life of sweet corn based on the reduction of its total soluble solid (TSS by using Arrhenius model. The samples were prepared from fresh harvested corn stored for 10 days at 3 different temperatures of 5, 15 and 28 °C. Total soluble solid (TSS were analyzed every day by using abbe refractrometer. Organoleptic analysis was used by using hedonic scales from 1 to 7. The analysis was conducted until respondents had graded the samples at score 5 (dislike slightly, 6 (dislike and approaches can be used to calculate the shelf life of sweet corn. The acceleration factor for the TSS degradation at null approach, it was estimated that if the sweet corn were stored at temperature of 30, 25, 20, 15, 10 and 5°C, the shelf temperatures, the shelf life of sweet corn would be 3.7, 4.5, 5.6, 6.8, 8.4, and 10.3 days. In conclusion, the shelf life predictions of sweet corn were valid well with the experimental results. Keywords: Sweet corn, shelf life, total soluble solid ABSTRAK Umur simpan jagung manis relatif singkat apalagi kalau disimpan pada suhu ruang di negara-negara tropis (28-32°C. Kerusakan jagung manis dapat diindikasikan dengan penurunankandungan gulanya. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menduga umur simpan jagung manis berdasarkan reaksi penurunankandungan total padatan terlarutnya (TPT dengan pendekatan model Arrhenius. Jagung manis segar yang baru siap panen segera disimpan selama 10 hari pada 3 kombinasi suhu yaitu 5, 15 dan 28°C. Setiap hari dilakukan analisis kandungan TPT dengan . Uji organoleptik dilakukan dengan skala hedonik 1-7. Proses pengamatan dihentikan apabila responden telah memberikan nilai 5 (agak tidak suka, 6 (tidak suka dan 7 (sangat tidak suka. Pendekatan model Arrhenius dilakukan dengan dua
Remote observations with FLUOR and the CHARA Array (United States)
Merand, Antoine; Birlan, Mirel; Lelu de Brach, Remi; Coudé du Foresto, Vincent
Two years ago, the FLUOR interferometric beam combiner moved from IOTA (Infrared Optical Telescopes Array, Mount Hopkins, AZ) to the Center for High Angular Resolution Astronomy (CHARA) Array (Mount Wilson, CA). Apart from offering the largest baselines in the northern hemisphere, this array can be fully operated remotely to allow observations from a distant place. We present here the automations added to the FLUOR hardware, as well as software modifications made in order to allow us to observe from Paris Observatory. We required the remote service to be as reactive as local observations, implying frequent communications between the instrument and the remote observer. We took particular attention to the available bandwidth and reactivity imposed by the secured connection (Virtual Private Network). The first tests are presented.
Action of fluor and its compounds on plants
Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)
Kluczynski, B
This paper contains a brief synthesis of data available from the literature and experimental studies on the influence of fluor and its compounds on plants. The basic part of the paper consists of a list of 301 plants (separately for trees and shrubs and separately for other plants) the resistance of which to fluor compounds has been estimated. The information on resistance has been collected either from field observations or from cabin studies (artificial gassing of plants). The plants have been assigned to three classes: resistant, medium resistant and susceptible. When the resistance has been reported on a more detailed scale than a 3 point one, the data was compressed with some approximation to these three classes. In the list only plants are included with a definite specific or varietal name.
The effects of NaF, Fluor-protector and Aminofluoride on the enamel of permanent teeth in children
Beloica, Dragan
The effects of three fluor preparation (NaF, Fluor-Protector and Aminofluoride) on the enamel of permanent teeth has been studied by determinig the fluor concentrations in the enamel surface layer and the resistance of enamel to the effects of acids. The fluor preparations were applied to intact extracted teeth. Fluor concentrations were determined in the enamel samples using a Bedkman electrode with pH meter for fliuorides. Acid resistance was established by etching the enamnel samples, prev...
Safety At Fluor Hanford (B) Case Study - Prepared By The Thunderbird School Of Global Management
International Nuclear Information System (INIS)
Arnold, L.D.
One year into the Hanford contract, Fluor had learned a number of hard lessons very quickly. Although the Hanford remediation contract was in many ways a new endeavor for Fluor and a different kind of contract, the organization moved quickly to increase communication with all employees, attack head-on what it considered unsafe and inappropriate safety practices, and strongly inject its own corporate cultural beliefs into the Hanford organization. It wasn't easy, and it didn't happen overnight. From the beginning, Fluor established processes and programs to drive down injury rates. For example, whereas the previous contractor's approach to injuries had been passive, Fluor took a much more aggressive approach to worker injuries. The previous contractor had established a practice of sending injured workers home with the basic directive 'to come back when you are well'. Instead of using outsourced medical assessment, Fluor internalized it and evaluated all claims aggressively. Legitimate claims were quickly settled, and management moved to identify 'repeat offenders' when it came to reportable safety incidents. In the first year of Fluor's management, reportable injuries dropped from 5.37 to 2.99 per 200,000 man-hours. Despite the drop in injury rates, the safety record at Fluor Hanford was not at a level that met either Fluor or the Department of Energy's expectations. Earlier in 1997, Fluor Hanford's proposed safety program was rejected by the DOE. The DOE was not satisfied with Fluor Hanford's proposal for various reasons, including insufficient worker involvement and a lack of accountability. With the need for change clearly established, Fluor Hanford management embarked on a decade-long mission to change the safety culture and improve safety performance. This case describes the key changes and their impact on Fluor Hanford.
Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)
One year into the Hanford contract, Fluor had learned a number of hard lessons very quickly. Although the Hanford remediation contract was in many ways a new endeavor for Fluor and a different kind of contract, the organization moved quickly to increase communication with all employees, attack head-on what it considered unsafe and inappropriate safety practices, and strongly inject its own corporate cultural beliefs into the Hanford organization. It wasn't easy, and it didn't happen overnight. From the beginning, Fluor established processes and programs to drive down injury rates. For example, whereas the previous contractor's approach to injuries had been passive, Fluor took a much more aggressive approach to worker injuries. The previous contractor had established a practice of sending injured workers home with the basic directive 'to come back when you are well'. Instead of using outsourced medical assessment, Fluor internalized it and evaluated all claims aggressively. Legitimate claims were quickly settled, and management moved to identify 'repeat offenders' when it came to reportable safety incidents. In the first year of Fluor's management, reportable injuries dropped from 5.37 to 2.99 per 200,000 man-hours. Despite the drop in injury rates, the safety record at Fluor Hanford was not at a level that met either Fluor or the Department of Energy's expectations. Earlier in 1997, Fluor Hanford's proposed safety program was rejected by the DOE. The DOE was not satisfied with Fluor Hanford's proposal for various reasons, including insufficient worker involvement and a lack of accountability. With the need for change clearly established, Fluor Hanford management embarked on a decade-long mission to change the safety culture and improve safety performance. This case describes the key changes and their impact on Fluor Hanford.
Kandungan logam berat dalam sedimen di Perairan Teluk Wawobatu, Kendari, Sulawesi Tenggara
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Full Text Available Pengamatan kandungan logam berat dalam sedimen di Perairan Teluk Wawobatu, Kendari telah dilakukan pada bulan Juni 2011. Contoh sedimen diambil dengan menggunakan gravity core pada 5 stasiun penelitian. Kandungan logam berat diukur dengan menggunakan Spektrofotometer Serapan Atom (SSA. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui kandungan logam berat dalam sedimen serta memprediksi kualitas sedimen berdasarkan pendekatan analisis indeks (Indeks geoakumulasi dan Indeks Beban Pencemaran. Hasilnya menunjukkan, kandungan Pb berkisar 3,704-21,892 ppm, Cd 0,784-1,385 ppm, Cu 3,451-12,193 ppm, Zn 24,838-69,973 ppm, dan Ni 37,289-72,329 ppm. Kandungan ke lima logam tersebut masih lebih rendah dari nilai ambang batas yang ditetapkan oleh Kantor Menteri Negara Lingkungan Hidup 2010 dan baku mutu sedimen Ontario (Ontario Sediment Guideline 2008. Kandungan logam berat dalam sedimen di Stasiun 4 lebih tinggi dibandingkan dengan Stasiun lainnya. Hal ini disebabkan oleh perbedaan tekstur sedimen di masing-masing stasiun. Stasiun 4 berada di muara sungai dan mempunyai sedimen dengan tekstur berupa lumpur berwarna hitam. Kandungan logam Ni lebih tinggi dibandingkan dengan yang lain, hal ini menunjukkan adanya masukan sedimen dari Teluk Kendari dan Teluk Lasolo yang terbawa oleh arus, disamping yang berasal dari darat yang masuk melalui aliran sungai. Berdasarkan nilai indeks geoakumulasi (I-geo sedimen di perairan ini termasuk kategori tidak tercemar oleh Pb, Cu, Zn, dan Ni (I_geo
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Naning Yuniarti
Full Text Available Trema (Trema orientalis Linn. Blume merupakan tanaman serba guna karena semua bagian pohon dapat digunakan. Dalam pengembangan tanaman ini, diperlukan benih bermutu, dimana salah satu syarat untuk menentukan benih bermutu adalah benih harus berasal dari buah yang sudah masak fisiologis. Tujuan penelitian adalah mengetahui mutu fisik, mutu fisiologis, dan kandungan biokimia (lemak, karbohidrat dan protein benih trema berdasarkan tingkat kemasakan buah. Benih trema yang digunakan berasal dari Badung, Bali. Buah trema dikelompokkan menjadi 3 warna (hijau, coklat, hitam. Rancangan penelitian menggunakan Rancangan Acak Lengkap dengan parameter yang diamati : ukuran buah dan benih, berat buah dan benih, kadar air buah dan benih, kandungan biokimia (protein, lemak, karbohidrat, daya berkecambah, dan kecepatan berkecambah. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan : (1 Tingkat kemasakan buah berpengaruh nyata terhadap mutu fisik (ukuran buah dan benih, berat buah dan benih, kadar air buah dan benih, fisiologis (daya berkecambah, kecepatan berkecambah, dan kandungan biokimia (lemak, karbohidrat, protein benih trema, (2 Mutu fisik dan fisiologis benih yang berasal dari buah yang berwarna hitam lebih baik dibandingkan dengan buah berwarna hijau dan coklat, (3 Kandungan lemak, karbohidrat dan protein benih trema berbeda dari masing-masing tingkat kemasakan (hijau, coklat, hitam, (4 Buah trema yang sudah mencapai masak fisiologis adalah buah berwarna hitam, dengan kriteria yaitu : panjang buah 3,87 ± 0,05 mm dan lebar 3,41 ± 0,02 mm; panjang benih 2,10 ± 0,05 mm dan lebar 1,81 ± 0,06 mm; berat 1000 butir buah 25,6883 gr; berat 1000 butir benih 3,8288 gr; kadar air buah 54,74%; kadar air benih 12,03%; daya berkecambah 78%; kecepatan berkecambah 3,05%/Etmal; kandungan karbohidrat 20,10%; kandungan protein 2,84%; kandungan lemak 0,65%.
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Yukarie Ayu Wulandari
Full Text Available Jagung merupakan bahan pangan yang berpotensi untuk dikembangkan sebagai pangan lokal, pakan, dan bahan baku industri. Mengingat pentingnya jagung, maka perlu adanya upaya untuk peningkatan produktivitasnya. Penelitian bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh varietas dan sistem budidaya terhadap pertumbuhan, produksi, dan kandungan gizi jagung. Penelitian menggunakan Rancangan Petak Terbagi dengan petak utama varietas (Srikandi Putih-1 dan Srikandi Kuning-1 dan anak petak sistem budidaya (organik dan inorganik yang diulang lima kali. Hasil menunjukkan bahwa varietas Srikandi Putih-1 memberikan hasil tertinggi pada tinggi tanaman, jumlah daun, luas daun, lingkar batang, pati, dan vitamin A. Varietas Srikandi Kuning-1 memberikan hasil tertinggi pada produksi, protein dan lemak. Sistem budidaya inorganik memberikan hasil tertinggi pada tinggi tanaman, jumlah daun, panjang tongkol, bobot bersih tongkol, bobot pipilan kering, bobot 100 butir, konversihasil/ha, patidan protein. Interaksi varietas Srikandi Putih-1 dengan sistem budidaya organik memberikan hasil tertinggi terhadap jumlah daun, lingkar batang dan kandungan vitamin A. Varietas Srikandi Kuning-1 yang dibudidayakan secara inorganik memberikan hasil tertinggi terhadap bobot bersih tongkol, bobot pipilan kering, bobot 100 butir, konversi hasil ha-1 dan kandungan protein. Kandungan pati tertinggi pada varietas Srikandi Putih-1 yang dibudidayakan secara inorganik, sedangkan kandungan lemak tertinggi pada varietas Srikandi Kuning-1 yang dibudidayakan secara organik.
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Herman Herman
Full Text Available Has been studied composition of mountain salt from Krayan, Nunukan, East Kalimantan. This study aims to determine the composition of the minerals contained in the mountain salt. Mountain salt is obtained from wells Krayan District residents were further prepared for analysis using a technique using Atomic Absorption Spectrometer (AAS, further by looking at the pattern of X-ray Diffraction (XRD and Scanning electron microscopic (SEM. Based on the results obtained AAS has identified mineral deposits include: Na, K, Mg, Al, Cu, Zn, Fe, Ba, and Sr. From the results of XRD shows that the main peak of the salt Krayan shows major peaks for NaCl crystals with impurities such as KCl, CaCl2, MgCl2, and AlCl3. SEM observation showed that morphology of Krayan salt have cube shape which is the shape of NaCl crystals with space group Fm3m and lattice parameter (a 5.620 Å Keywords : Mountain Salt, krayan, AAS, XRD, SEM Abstrak Telah dilakukan penelitian analisis kandungan garam gunung asal Krayan Kabupaten Nunukan Kalimantan Timur. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui komposisi mineral yang terkandung dalam garam gunung. Garam gunung diperoleh dari sumur warga Kecamatan Krayan yang selanjutnya dipreparasi untuk dianalisis dengan menggunakan menggunakan teknik Spektrometer Serapan Atom (SSA, selanjutnya dengan melihat pola Difraksi Sinar X (XRD, dan Scanning Elektron Microscopy (SEM. Berdasarkan hasil SSA telah diidentifikasi diperoleh kandungan mineral antara lain: Na, K, Mg, Al, Cu, Zn, Fe, Ba, dan Sr. Dari hasil XRD terlihat bahwa puncak utama dari garam krayan tersebut menunjukkan puncak utama untuk Kristal NaCl, dengan impurities antara lain KCl, CaCl2, MgCl2, dan AlCl3. Selain itu hal ini didukung pula oleh pengamatan SEM, bahwa morfologi SEM garam krayan memperlihatkan bentuk kristal kubus yang merupakan bentuk dari Kristal NaCl dengan grup ruang Fm3m dengan panjang kisi kristal 5,620 Å. Kata Kunci : Garam Gunung, Krayan
Fluorescence of Alexa fluor dye tracks protein folding.
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Simon Lindhoud
Full Text Available Fluorescence spectroscopy is an important tool for the characterization of protein folding. Often, a protein is labeled with appropriate fluorescent donor and acceptor probes and folding-induced changes in Förster Resonance Energy Transfer (FRET are monitored. However, conformational changes of the protein potentially affect fluorescence properties of both probes, thereby profoundly complicating interpretation of FRET data. In this study, we assess the effects protein folding has on fluorescence properties of Alexa Fluor 488 (A488, which is commonly used as FRET donor. Here, A488 is covalently attached to Cys69 of apoflavodoxin from Azotobacter vinelandii. Although coupling of A488 slightly destabilizes apoflavodoxin, the three-state folding of this protein, which involves a molten globule intermediate, is unaffected. Upon folding of apoflavodoxin, fluorescence emission intensity of A488 changes significantly. To illuminate the molecular sources of this alteration, we applied steady state and time-resolved fluorescence techniques. The results obtained show that tryptophans cause folding-induced changes in quenching of Alexa dye. Compared to unfolded protein, static quenching of A488 is increased in the molten globule. Upon populating the native state both static and dynamic quenching of A488 decrease considerably. We show that fluorescence quenching of Alexa Fluor dyes is a sensitive reporter of conformational changes during protein folding.
Fluor Hanford Nuclear Material Stabilization Project Welding Manual
International Nuclear Information System (INIS)
The purpose of this section of the welding manual is to: (1) Provide a general description of the major responsibilities of the organizations involved with welding. (2) Provide general guidance concerning the application of codes related to welding. This manual contains requirements for welding for all Fluor Hanford (FH) welding operators working on the W460 Project, in the Plutonium Finishing Plant (PFP) at the U. S. Department of Energy (DOE) Hanford facilities. These procedures and any additional requirements for these joining processes can be used by all FH welding operators that are qualified. The Welding Procedure Specifications (WPS) found in this document were established from Procedure Qualification Records (PQR) qualified by FH specifically for the W460 Project. PQRs are permanent records of the initial testing and qualification program and are used to backup, and support, the WPS. The identification numbers of the supporting PQR(s) are recorded on each WPS. All PQRs are permanently stored under the supervision of the Fluor Hanford Welding Engineer (FHWE). New PQRs and WPSs will continue to be developed as necessary. The qualification of welders, welding operators and welding procedures will be performed for FH under supervision and concurrent of the FHWE. All new welding procedures to be entered in this manual or welder personnel to be added to the welder qualification database, shall be approved by the FHWE
Adsorption of volatile organic compounds by polytetra-fluor ethylene
International Nuclear Information System (INIS)
Martinet, J.M.
The sorption of organic vapours by microporous polytetra-fluor ethylene has been studied gravimetrically using a Mc Bain-Baker type sorption balance. The amount of sorption, the peculiarities observed on the isotherm curves, the small influence of temperature, and smallness of hysteresis suggests that mainly physical adsorption occurs when the temperature is around 25 deg. C. The values of the surface areas obtained from the adsorption isotherms using organic vapours differ greatly from those derived from N 2 adsorption measurements. This discrepancy cannot be completely attributed to differences in the structure and chemical function of the adsorbate molecules, or to the porous structure of the adsorbent. On the contrary, the surface area values obtained by sorbing high volatile freons conform with those measured by nitrogen adsorption, which seems to imply a connection between the area of sorbed monolayers and volatility of the adsorbate. (author) [fr
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Full Text Available Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui performans kelinci jantan lokal (Lepus nigricollis yang diberi ransum dengan kandungan energi termetabolis berbeda. Percobaan dilaksanakan dengan menggunakan Rancangan Acak Kelompok (RAK dengan empat perlakuan dan empat ulangan. Perlakuan dalam penelitian ini adalah: ransum dengan kandungan energi termetabolis 2200 K.kal/kg (R1, 2500 K.kal/kg (R2, 2800 K.kal/kg (R3 dan 3100 K.kal/kg (R4. Ransum dibuat iso protein dengan kandungan protein kasar 16%. Kelinci yang dipergunakan adalah kelinci jantan lokal lepas sapih dengan umur 4-5 minggu. Variabel yang diamati adalah koefisien cerna bahan kering, efisiensi perubahan GE menjadi DE, berat badan akhir, konsumsi ransum, pertambahan berat badan dan konsumsi air minum. Tidak terjadi perbedaan yang nyata (P>0,05 pada perlakuan ransum terhadap variabel koefisien cerna bahan kering, efisiensi perubahan GE menjadi DE dan konsumsi air minum. Kelinci yang mendapat perlakuan ransum R1 menghasilkan berat badan akhir paling rendah yang berbeda nyata (P0,05 dibandingkan dengan R4. Nilai konversi ransum pada kelinci yang mendapat perlakuan R1 paling tinggi yang berbeda nyata (P
Relationship between salivary fluor concentration and caries index in 12–15 years old children
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Vidyana Pratiwi
Full Text Available Background: Dental caries is a bacterial infection leading to dissolution and localized damage of hard tissues. The assessment of caries risk is based on several caries indicators including clinical conditions (DMF-T index, environment (fluor, and general health. Purpose: The objective of this study was to assess the relationship between salivary fluor concentration and caries index in children aging 12–15 years old at SMP Negeri 2 PTPN VIII Pangalengan. Methods: This study is an observational analytical study using crosssectional approach and is conducted in a field trial manner. The study sample consists of 80 students in the age of 12 to 15 years old at SMP Negeri 2 PTPN VIII selected through Probability Sampling manner using simple random sampling method. Results: The result of this study shows a DMF-T index of 4.32 and salivary fluor concentration mean of 0.018. Pearson Product Moment correlation test shows that there is a weak correlation between salivary fluor concentration and DMF-T index. Conclusion: It is concluded that the salivary fluor concentration has an insignificant correlation with the DMF-T index since the fluor concentration in saliva is very low.Latar belakang: Karies gigi adalah penyakit infeksi bakteri yang berakibat pada disolusi dan kerusakan terlokalisasi jaringan keras. Penilaian risiko karies berdasarkan atas beberapa indikator karies yaitu kondisi klinis (indeks DMF-T, lingkungan (fluor, dan kesehatan umum. Tujuan: Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui hubungan konsentrasi fluor yang terdapat dalam saliva dengan indeks karies pada anak usia 12-15 tahun di SMP Negeri 2 PTPN VIII Pangalengan. Metode: Jenis penelitian ini adalah penelitian analitik observasional dengan pendekatan cross sectional yang dilakukan di lapangan. Sampel penelitian sebanyak 80 orang siswasiswi usia 12–15 tahun di SMP Negeri 2 PTPN VIII Pangalengan yang dipilih secara Probability Sampling dengan metode simple random sampling. Hasil
Pengaruh Cara Kematian Dan Tahapan Penurunan Kesegaran Ikan Terhadap Kualitas Pasta Ikan Nila (Oreochromis Niloticus)
Wibowo, Imam Restu; Darmanto, YS; Anggo, Apri Dwi
Kualitas produk hasil perikanan dipengaruhi oleh kesegaran ikan. Pengolahan merupakan salah satu cara untuk mempertahankan daya awet dan juga meningkatkan nilai ekonomis ikan. Pasta ikan merupakan salah satu alternatif penganekaragaman produk berbasis produk gel. Pasta ikan merupakan makanan yang berasal dari bahan baku lumatan daging ikan yang ditambahkan dengan tepung, garam dan berbagai jenis sayuran. Cara kematian ikan dan tahapan penurunan kesegaran ikan dapat mempengaruhi kualitas produ...