Organic chemistry loudon 6th edition pdf free download

Organic chemistry loudon 6th edition pdf free download

organic chemistry loudon 6th edition pdf free download

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Organic Chemistry

Table of Contents

1. Chemical Bonding and Chemical Structure

2. Alkanes

3. Acids and Bases. The Curved-Arrow Notation

4. Introduction to Alkenes: Structure and Reactivity

5. Addition Reactions of Alkenes

6. Principles of Stereochemistry

7. Cyclic Compounds: Stereochemistry of Reactions

8. Noncovalent Intermolecular Interactions

9. The Chemistry of Alkyl Halides

10. The Chemistry of Alcohols and Thiols

11. The Chemistry of Ethers, Epoxides, Glycols, and Sulfides

12. Introduction to Spectroscopy: Infrared Spectroscopy and Mass Spectrometry

13. Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy

14. The Chemistry of Alkynes

15. Dienes, Resonance, and Aromaticity

16. The Chemistry of Benzene and its Derivatives

17. Allylic and Benzylic Reactivity

18. The Chemistry of Aryl Halides, Vinylic Halides, and Phenols. Transition-Metal Catalysis.

19. The Chemistry of Aldehydes and Ketones. Carbonyl-Addition Reactions.

20. The Chemistry of Carboxylic Acids

21. The Chemistry of Carboxylic Acid Derivatives

22. The Chemistry of Enolate Ions, Enols, and a,b- Unsaturated Carbonyl Compounds

23. The Chemistry of Amines

24. Carbohydrates

25. The Chemistry of Thioesters, Phosphate Esters, and Phosphate Anhydrides

26. The Chemistry of the Aromatic Heterocycles; DNA

27. Amino Acids, Peptides, and Proteins

28. Pericyclic Reactions

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organic chemistry loudon 6th edition pdf free download

Organic chemistry loudon 6th edition pdf free download

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