![pixelmon mod download forge pixelmon mod download forge](http://www.9minecraft.net/wp-content/uploads/2017/03/Pixelmon-Mod-Screenshots-35.jpg)
Pixelmon mod download forge - something is
**"A Sweet Update!"**
* * *
- Remember to delete your external JSONs and config folder before updating to a new version. See [Updating Pixelmon - Pixelmon Wiki](https://pixelmonmod.com/wiki/Updating_Pixelmon)
## 8.1.1
- Fixed Tutor moves for new Pokemon
- Fixed decoration placement
- Fixed an error with Quests
- Fixed a crash with Super Rod
- If updating from 8.1.0, you only need to refresh Generation 8 jsons
## Additions:
##### Added new Pokémon:
- Added Clobbopus
- Added Grapploct
- Added Cramorant
- Added Arrokuda
- Added Barraskewda
- Added Galarian Corsola
- Added Cursola
- Added Galarian Zigzagoon
- Added Galarian Linoone
- Added Obstagoon
- Added Galarian Weezing
- Added Galarian Darumaka
- Added Galarian Darmanitan
- Added Sizzlepede
- Added Centiskorch - Also referred to as nope.
- Added Falinks
- Added Toxel
- Added Toxtricity - Amped and Low-Key
- Added Indeedee - Male and Female forms
- Added Hatenna
- Added Hattrem
- Added Hatterene
- Added Milcery
- Added Alcremie
- Added Galarian Ponyta
- Added Galarian Rapidash
- Added Impidimp
- Added Morgrem
- Added Grimmsnarl
- Added Galarian Farfetch'd
- Added Sirfetch'd
- Added Galarian Slowpoke
- Added Galarian Slowbro
- Added Morpeko
- Added Pincurchin
- Added Snom
- Added Frosmoth
- Added Galarian Mr. Mime
- Added Galarian Meowth
- Added Perrserker
- Added Dreepy
- Added Drakloak
- Added Dragapult
##### Fishing
- Added new Jump! variations to the Super Rod. Good luck!
##### Added new Strike forms:
- Boltund
- Electivire
- Gallade
- Jolteon
- Ninetales
- Vivillon
- Poliwrath
- Weavile
- Crobat
##### Added new Alter forms:
- Volcarona
##### Added new Creator forms:
- Mewtwo
- Xerneas
- Dragonite
##### New Valencian Forms:
- Bellsprout
- Weepinbell
- Victreebel
- Butterfree
- Paras
- Parasect
##### New Zombie Forms:
- Electrode
- Snorlax
- Omanyte
##### New Miscellaneous Forms:
- Snowy Snorlax
- Arbok Variations
##### Added Abilities:
- Updated Super Luck
- Updated Rattled
- Updated Intimidate
- Updated Infiltrator (affects spawns near player)
- Added Ball Fetch
- Added Perish Body
- Added Dragon's Maw
- Added Transistor
##### New Attacks:
- Added Grassy Glide
- Added Shell Side Arm
- Added Dual Wingbeat
- Added Stalwart
- Added Tea Time
- Added Octolock
- Added Mirror Move
- Added Darkest Lariat
- Added Plasma Fists
- Added Instruct
- Added Sparkling Aria
- Added Stomping Tantrum
- Added Pollen Puff
- Added Purify
- Added Core Enforcer
- Added Misty Explosion
- Added Shell Trap
- Added Lash Out
- Added Spotlight
- Added Throat Chop
- Added Corrosive Gas
- Added Burning Jealousy
- Added Expanding Force
- Added Rising Voltage
- Added Scorching Sands
- Added Skitter Smack
- Added Terrain Pulse
- Added Coaching
- Added Triple Axel
- Added Meteor Beam
- Added Dragon Energy
- Added Thunder Cage
##### Added Items:
- Added Dynamax candy
- Added all TMs and TRs for generation 8
- Added Galarica Twig
- Added Galarica Cuff
##### Added Decoration:
- Added Incense decoration blocks
- Added Relic decorations
- Added Galarica Cuff display
##### New Mounts:
- Abomasnow, Bronzong, Chatot, Empoleon, Infernape, Lickilicky, Rhyperior, Tangrowth, Vespiquen, Venomoth, Golduck, Machoke, Slowbro, Muk, Gengar, Lickitung, Weezing, Vaporeon, Jolteon, Flareon, Kabutops, Xatu, Espeon, Umbreon, Slowking, Forretress, Granbull, Scizor, Heracross, Blissey, Pinsir, Blaziken, Breloom, Lairon, Swalot, Wailmer, Zangoose, Armaldo, Dusclops, Deoxys (normal, defence, speed, & attack), Leafeon, Glaceon, Swoobat, Gurdurr, Vanilluxe, Delphox, Greninja, Diggersby, Pangoro, Aegislash, Malamar, Barbaracle, Dragalge, Clawitzer, Sylveon, Trevenant, Hoopa (unbound), Lurantis, Oranguru, Passimian, Palossand, Type: Null, Tapu Koko, Tapu Lele, Tapu Bulu, Tapu Fini, Zeraora
##### Quests:
- Added support for & color codes in MESSAGE.
- Added quest objectives: NPC_TALK, NPC_SHOW, NPC_GIVE
- NPC objective no longer uses count, NPC_RESPOND without a response index now defaults to 0.
- Added SpawnPokemonAction (Give and Spawn) for quests.
- Changed RandomObjective, moved PokemonObjective away from storing specs as this breaks things.
- Added FollowthroughObjective.
- Added a builder pattern for quests.
- Fixed FakePlayers causing errors with Quests.
- Added KEY_ITEM
**"A Sweet Update!"**
* * *
- Remember to delete your external JSONs and config folder before updating to a new version. See [Updating Pixelmon - Pixelmon Wiki](https://pixelmonmod.com/wiki/Updating_Pixelmon)
## 8.1.1
- Fixed Tutor moves for new Pokemon
- Fixed decoration placement
- Fixed an error with Quests
- Fixed a crash with Super Rod
- If updating from 8.1.0, you only need to refresh Generation 8 jsons
## Additions:
##### Added new Pokémon:
- Added Clobbopus
- Added Grapploct
- Added Cramorant
- Added Arrokuda
- Added Barraskewda
- Added Galarian Corsola
- Added Cursola
- Added Galarian Zigzagoon
- Added Galarian Linoone
- Added Obstagoon
- Added Galarian Weezing
- Added Galarian Darumaka
- Added Galarian Darmanitan
- Added Sizzlepede
- Added Centiskorch - Also referred to as nope.
- Added Falinks
- Added Toxel
- Added Toxtricity - Amped and Low-Key
- Added Indeedee - Male and Female forms
- Added Hatenna
- Added Hattrem
- Added Hatterene
- Added Milcery
- Added Alcremie
- Added Galarian Ponyta
- Added Galarian Rapidash
- Added Impidimp
- Added Morgrem
- Added Grimmsnarl
- Added Galarian Farfetch'd
- Added Sirfetch'd
- Added Galarian Slowpoke
- Added Galarian Slowbro
- Added Morpeko
- Added Pincurchin
- Added Snom
- Added Frosmoth
- Added Galarian Mr. Mime
- Added Galarian Meowth
- Added Perrserker
- Added Dreepy
- Added Drakloak
- Added Dragapult
##### Fishing
- Added new Jump! variations to the Super Rod. Good luck!
##### Added new Strike forms:
- Boltund
- Electivire
- Gallade
- Jolteon
- Ninetales
- Vivillon
- Poliwrath
- Weavile
- Crobat
##### Added new Alter forms:
- Volcarona
##### Added new Creator forms:
- Mewtwo
- Xerneas
- Dragonite
##### New Valencian Forms:
- Bellsprout
- Weepinbell
- Victreebel
- Butterfree
- Paras
- Parasect
##### New Zombie Forms:
- Electrode
- Snorlax
- Omanyte
##### New Miscellaneous Forms:
- Snowy Snorlax
- Arbok Variations
##### Added Abilities:
- Updated Super Luck
- Updated Rattled
- Updated Intimidate
- Updated Infiltrator (affects spawns near player)
- Added Ball Fetch
- Added Perish Body
- Added Dragon's Maw
- Added Transistor
##### New Attacks:
- Added Grassy Glide
- Added Shell Side Arm
- Added Dual Wingbeat
- Added Stalwart
- Added Tea Time
- Added Octolock
- Added Mirror Move
- Added Darkest Lariat
- Added Plasma Fists
- Added Instruct
- Added Sparkling Aria
- Added Stomping Tantrum
- Added Pollen Puff
- Added Purify
- Added Core Enforcer
- Added Misty Explosion
- Added Shell Trap
- Added Lash Out
- Added Spotlight
- Added Throat Chop
- Added Corrosive Gas
- Added Burning Jealousy
- Added Expanding Force
- Added Rising Voltage
- Added Scorching Sands
- Added Skitter Smack
- Added Terrain Pulse
- Added Coaching
- Added Triple Axel
- Added Meteor Beam
- Added Dragon Energy
- Added Thunder Cage
##### Added Items:
- Added Dynamax candy
- Added all TMs and TRs for generation 8
- Added Galarica Twig
- Added Galarica Cuff
##### Added Decoration:
- Added Incense decoration blocks
- Added Relic decorations
- Added Galarica Cuff display
##### New Mounts:
- Abomasnow, Bronzong, Chatot, Empoleon, Infernape, Lickilicky, Rhyperior, Tangrowth, Vespiquen, Venomoth, Golduck, Machoke, Slowbro, Muk, Gengar, Lickitung, Weezing, Vaporeon, Jolteon, Flareon, Kabutops, Xatu, Espeon, Umbreon, Slowking, Forretress, Granbull, Scizor, Heracross, Blissey, Pinsir, Blaziken, Breloom, Lairon, Swalot, Wailmer, Zangoose, Armaldo, Dusclops, Deoxys (normal, defence, speed, & attack), Leafeon, Glaceon, Swoobat, Gurdurr, Vanilluxe, Delphox, Greninja, Diggersby, Pangoro, Aegislash, Malamar, Barbaracle, Dragalge, Clawitzer, Sylveon, Trevenant, Hoopa (unbound), Lurantis, Oranguru, Passimian, Palossand, Type: Null, Tapu Koko, Tapu Lele, Tapu Bulu, Tapu Fini, Zeraora
##### Quests:
- Added support for & color codes in MESSAGE.
- Added quest objectives: NPC_TALK, NPC_SHOW, NPC_GIVE
- NPC objective no longer uses count, NPC_RESPOND without a response index now defaults to 0.
- Added SpawnPokemonAction (Give and Spawn) for quests.
- Changed RandomObjective, moved PokemonObjective away from storing specs as this breaks things.
- Added FollowthroughObjective.
- Added a builder pattern for quests.
- Fixed FakePlayers causing errors with Quests.
- Added KEY_ITEM